Wednesday 11 January 2012


UNSC/R is the abbreviation for the United Nations Security Council Resolutions. The documents represent the decisions of the U.N's executive body. The massive amount of data doesn't come in any oraganised form.

The purpose if this project is to apply information design strategies to create visual maps of the Resolutions to help students in politics approach the subject of the U.N

This was a project that I found in data flow 2. I have recently purchased this book as I have become increasingly fascinated by the way data can be catagorised, linked together and then displayed clearly and stylishly.

This project has blown my mind purely on the amount of data that was needed to be collected and then sorted, 

The final outcomes are something that I want to be able to achieve throughout this module. This project has inspired me to create more information graphics and also to higher standard

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