Wednesday 14 March 2012

Colour Development

This is the logo that I am happiest with at the time being, the blue black and gold compliment each other very well, although the black strokes did make the logo pop more. I will develop this idea more when I come around to deciding stock choices etc.

These variations show the development of colour combinations, primarily with the colour blue. This was the colur I decided to take further to experiment on. the colour gold has been added towards the end to replace some of the black strokes and some of the black fills.

These colour combinations use the new version of the logo where the arch has not been filled with colour, giving the logo more depth. I have also been experimenting with different stroke thicknesses and text colours.

This issuu document e colour explores different combinations that have been used in combination with the black. These colour variations use a versions of the logo which has the arch at the centre of the logo filled with colour. 

Initially I thought this would give the logo a bit more life with the extra colour. However I think that the asrch would look better not filled so the arch is more visible which would make the logo look less flat.

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