Thursday 29 March 2012

Design Context Publication Presentation

This document contains the information related to the three topics and chapters that I have proposed to research for my design context publication.

They focus on three main areas of my design practice which will in turn benefit the decisions I make as a designer. Ultimately they will help me to become more focused and help me to achieve an identity as a young designer.

The presentation went well and I came away in the knowledge that I was on the right path. I will now attempt to focus my areas further as it was pointed out that they were a little broad and vague.
Probably the most important thing that was brought up in the presentation was on the topic of branding and identity. 
I proposed that this area would be mainly focused on signage so that It would link with way-finding. It was brought to my attention that this was an interest in the Logo, which is the symbol of a brand and not the whole brand. This was important to realise as it means I can more focus my research with more clarity.

I will also aim to decide on a particular area of way finding, as there are many and this again was fairly vague. 

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