Wednesday 16 May 2012

Single Page Icon Idea

As my recent attempts of providing an interesting insight into the relationship between the budget and renue generated by films over the years failed, emma and I decided to take things in a different direction.

As I had already provided a technical piece of information we thought it would be appropriate to display the information in a more light hearted manner.
This would provide information but would be less rigid than the other graphic.

We decided that some icon illustrations from the info already collected would look good and it would also break up the supplement with good effect.

From the info already collected I made a list of the icons I could create.

These icons could then be arranged in a three by three grid.

These are the 9 icons I decided to create from the information:

Most popular director
Most popular actor
Most successful country
Highest revenue achieved
Highest Revenue achieved by one director
Most expensive film (highest budget)
Highest Comedy/ Highest Horror
Longest Film
Best animated film 

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