Monday 14 May 2012

Sleeve Back Design Ideas

This for the back of the record is something that i want to keep simple because the front is rather chaoti and detailed.

These two designs are the ones that I want to take froward across the range because the keep it simple. This format could also be easily adapted throughout the rest of the eras.

The L.P record is capable of playing up to 20 minutes on each side. This is something that I have taken into consideration when selecting the appropriate tracks.

The track time has also been included.

Another thing that I thought was important to include was a snippet of information about each era as this would intrigue the viewer into purchasing the product rather than keeping them in the dark.

This was an idea that was scrapped in the early stages. The reason for this being the design as simply to complicated. I would have ended up risking the overall feel of the product if this design had of been chosen. No one likes a headache.

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