Monday 30 April 2012

Box Office/Revenue Arranged In Ascending Order

10,000 – All About Eve
19,000 – City Lights
96,000 – Rashomon
361,000 – Bicycle Thieves
500,000 – Seven Samurai
618,000 – The Third Man
650,000 – Metropolis
1,191,000 – Paths Of Glory
1,585,000 – Citizen Kane
1,711,000 – Casablanca
1,821,000 – Monty Python & the Holy Grail
3,300,000 – It's a Wonderful Life
5,000,000 – Sunset Blvd.
5,321,000 – Once Upon A Time In The West
5,300,000 – Once Upon A time In America
7,200,000 – Singin’ In The Rain
7,364,000 – Requiem For A Dream
8,325,000 – Pans Labyrinth
9,440,000 – Dr. Strangelove
11,990,000 – Cinema Paradiso
13,275,000 – North By Northwest
14,661,000 – Reservoir Dogs
14,980,000 – Oldboy
18,062,000 – City Of God
19,000,000 - The Good The Bad & The Ugly
20,000,000 – To Kill A Mocking Bird
23,272,000 – The Usual Suspects
23,383,000 – Raging Bull
23,875,000 – American History X
25,000,000 – Vertigo
25,000,000 – Some Like It Hot
25,000,000 – The Apartment
26,589,000 – A Clockwork Orange
28,262,000 – Taxi Driver
30,000,000 – Rear Window
30,000,000 – Chinatown
33,300,000 – The Bridge on The River Kwai
39,723,000 – Memento
44,017,000 – The Shining
45,284,000 – Leon: The Professional
46,357,000 – Full Metal Jacket
46,836,000 – Goodfellas
50,000,000 – Psycho
51,973,000 – Amadeus
57,300,000 – The Godfather Pt. 2
58,500,000 – The Shawshank Redemption
70,000,000 – Lawrence Of Arabia
72,258,000 – Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
83,471,000 – Apocalyspe Now
84,970,000 – Das Boot
92,180,000 – Downfall
100,900,000 – Fight Club
109,676,000 – The Prestige
112,000,000 – One Flew Over The Cukoos Nest
120,072,000 – The pianist
126,216,000 – L.A Confidential
131,060,000 – Aliens
159,157,000 – Unforgiven
159,375,000 – Princess Mononoke
159,616,000 – The Sting
163,245,000 – Modern Times
173,921,000 – Amelie
185,000,000 – Alien
190,700,000 – 2001: a space odyssey
203,600,000 – The Matrix
210,000,000 – Braveheart
224,700,000 – Saving Private Ryan
229,001,000 – Life is Beautiful
231,900,000 – Pulp Fiction
245,000,000 – The Godfather
272,742,000 – The Silence Of The Lambs
274,925,000 – Spirited Away
286,801,000 – The Green Mile
289,800,000 – The Departed
316,400,000 – Se7en
317,100,000 – Schindlers List
350,600,000 – Back To The Future
356,296,000 – American Beauty
384,140,000 – Raiders Of The Lost Arc
457,640,000 – Gladiator
475,106,000 – Star Wars – Episode VI – Return Of The jedi
494,800,000 – Indiana Jones And The last Crusade
519,843,000 – Terminator 2 – Judgement Day
534,767,000 – Wall-E
538,375,000 – Star Wars – The Empire Strikes Back
677,387,000 – Forrest Gump
775,098,000 – Star Wars Episode IV – A New Hope
825,532,000 – Inception
871,530,000 – LOTR – The Fellowship Of The Ring
926,387,000 – LOTR – The Two Towers
1,001,900,000 – The Dark Knight
1,063,171,000 – Toy story 3
1,119,929,000 – LOTR – The Return Of The King

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