Monday 30 April 2012

Budget Arranged In Ascending Order

These are the Estimated for most of the films in the top 100. Some of the data was unobtainable. The data has been arranged in ascending order and has been shown to the nearest 100,000 U.S Dollars.

133,000 – Bicycle Thieves
229,000 – Monty Pyton and The Holy Grail
250,000 - Rashomon
350,000 – 12 Angry Men
686,000 – Citizen Kane
800,000 – A Seperation
806,000 - Psyho
927,000 – Double Idemnity
935,000 – Paths Of Glory
950,000 - Casablanca
1,000,000 – Rear Window
1,200,000 – The Good The Bad And The Ugly
1,200,000 – Resevoir Dogs
1,300,000 – Taxi Driver
1,500,000 – City Lights
1,500,000 – Modern Times
1,752,000 – Sunset Blvd.
1,800,000 – Dr. Strangelove
2,000,000 – To Kill A Mockingbird
2,000,000 – The Great Dictator
2,000,000 – The Lives Of Others
2,000,000 – Seven Samurai
2,200,000 – A Clockwork Orange
2,479,000 - Vertigo
2,540,000 – Singin’ In The Rain
2,883,000 – Some Like It Hot
3,000,000 – Oldboy
3,000,000 – The Bridge Over The River Kwai
3,000,000 – The Apartment
3,180,000 – It's A Wonderful Life
3,300,000 – City Of God
3,800,000 – The Treasure Of Sierra Madre
4,000,000 – North By Northwest
4,400,000 – One Flew Over The Cukoos Nest
4,500,000 – Requiem For A Dream
5,000,000 –Once Upon A time In The West
5,000,000 - Momento
5,500,000 – The Sting
6,000,000 - Chinatown
6,000,000 – The Godfather
6,000,000 – The Usual Suspects
8,000,000 – Pulp Fiction
10,000,000 - Amelie
10,000,000 – American History X
10,500,000 – 2001 A Space Odyssey
11,000,000 – Star wars IV – A New Hope
11,000,000 - Alien
13,000,000 – The Godfather pt.2
14,000,000 – Das Boot
14,400,000 – Unforgiven
15,000,000 – American Beauty
15,000,000 – Lawrence Of Arabia
16,000,000 – Leon The Professional
17,000,000 – Full Metal Jacket
18,000,000 – Raiders Of The Lost Arc
18,000,000 – Star Wars V – The Empire Strikes Back
18,000,000 – Amadeus
18,000,000 – Raging Bull
18,339,000 - Downfall
18,500,000 - Aliens
19,000,000 – Pans labyrinth
19,000,000 – The Silence of The lambs
19,000,000 – Spirited Away
19,000,000  - Back To The Future
20,000,000 – Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
22,000,000 – The Shining
25,000,000 - Goodfellas
25,000,000 – Schindlers List
25,000,000 – The Shawshank Redemption
26,500,000 – Princess Mononoke
30,000,000 – Once Upon A Time In America
31,500,000 – Apocalypse Now
32,500,000 – Star Wars Episode VI – The Return Of The Jedi
33,000,000 – Se7en
35,000,000 – The Pianist
35,000,000 – l.A Confidential
40,000,000 – The prestige
48,000,000 – Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade
53,000,000 – Braveheart
55,000,000 – Forrest gump
60,000,000 – The Green Mile
63,000,000 – The Matrix
63,000,000 – Fight Club
70,000,000 – Saving Private Ryan
90,000,000 – The Departed
93,000,000 – LOTR – The Fellowship Of The Ring
94,000,000 – Terminator 2 Judement Day
94,000,000 – LOTR – The Return Of The King
94,000,000 – LOTR – The Two Towers
103,000,000 - Gladiator
160,000,000 - Inception
180,000,000 – Wall – E
185,000,000 – The Dark Knight
200,000,000 – Toy Story 3

The following movies data for this category was unobtainable on the IMDb site.

Life Is Beautiful
The Third Man
Cinema Paradiso
All About Eve

I will consider using different sources to try and fill in the information

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